Back in the Middle Ages, the bride was considered a mystical and sacred figure and the concept of “evil” played daily into the lives of the people. Evil spirits, who lived underground, were assumed to want to attack and harm the blessed bride on her wedding day and so to combat the evil that lurked beneath, the wedding guests put down a cloth for her to walk upon. The cloth, they thought, would protect her. The tradition of the Aisle Wedding Decorations has come to us, passed down from generation to generation, with a few changes, of course.
Aisle Wedding Decoration is normally used at semi-formal and formal weddings. They are most times provided by the florist and come in varying sizes, depending on the length of the aisle. Most are paper and are disposable; others are carpet, are rented from the florist, and are expensive. They may be pulled down the aisle by an usher or a groomsmen before the bride’s walk down the aisle, or before the processional begins. That’s a matter of choice and preference.